Apr 25, 2021
Carl Helmuth – The Whole Counsel of God – Exodus 13-14 – The Crossing (Part 2)
Exodus 13-14 - The Crossing (Part 2)
Learning to Trust God Completely We must LEARN to trust God. - God is teaching His people to trust Him. We learn that He is faithful and keeps His word - He cannot lie. - Titus 1:2, Heb. 6:18, Num. 23:19, Ps. 89:34 We learn that He has the power to keep His word. - Is. 14:24-27, Matt. 19:26, Job 42:2, Is. 46:9-11 We learn that He has all wisdom, so His plan is always best. - Rom. 11:33-36, Is. 40:13-14, Is. 55:6-11 We learn that He loves His children and will never leave them or forsake them. - Matt. 28:20, Heb. 13:5, Deut. 31:6, Joshua 1:5 We learn that death with Christ is much better than life without Him. - Ps. 73:25-26, Ps. 84:10-11, Phil. 3:7-11
  • Apr 25, 2021Carl Helmuth – The Whole Counsel of God – Exodus 13-14 – The Crossing (Part 2)
    Apr 25, 2021
    Carl Helmuth – The Whole Counsel of God – Exodus 13-14 – The Crossing (Part 2)
    Exodus 13-14 - The Crossing (Part 2)
    Learning to Trust God Completely We must LEARN to trust God. - God is teaching His people to trust Him. We learn that He is faithful and keeps His word - He cannot lie. - Titus 1:2, Heb. 6:18, Num. 23:19, Ps. 89:34 We learn that He has the power to keep His word. - Is. 14:24-27, Matt. 19:26, Job 42:2, Is. 46:9-11 We learn that He has all wisdom, so His plan is always best. - Rom. 11:33-36, Is. 40:13-14, Is. 55:6-11 We learn that He loves His children and will never leave them or forsake them. - Matt. 28:20, Heb. 13:5, Deut. 31:6, Joshua 1:5 We learn that death with Christ is much better than life without Him. - Ps. 73:25-26, Ps. 84:10-11, Phil. 3:7-11
  • Apr 18, 2021Carl Helmuth – The Whole Counsel of God – Exodus 13-14 – The Crossing (Part 1)
    Apr 18, 2021
    Carl Helmuth – The Whole Counsel of God – Exodus 13-14 – The Crossing (Part 1)
    Exodus 13-14 - The Crossing (Part 1)
    Five Areas of Learning from the OT: 1. Learn the historical narrative. 2. See each passage in light of the “grand story of redemption”. 3. Learn about the greatness of our God. 4. Learn faith lessons from men of faith (or from men of no faith). 5. Types and Shadows of the Gospel and NT doctrines. Our Attitude While Reading Scripture Should be: 1. The Scriptures are the Father's means of the Spirit revealing Jesus to you so you can know God. 2. Since both the Bible and Jesus are the Father’s communication to you, believe and receive them as such. 3. Whenever the Bible is read, taught, or preached, you should listen to it as you would listen to Jesus. 4. Rely on the Holy Spirit to understand the Bible so that you can understand Jesus. 5. Recognize that the Spirit of God brought both the incarnated Word and the inscripturated Word to the world. 6. You should regard both the Scriptures and Jesus as holy. 7. However, you should always treat the Bible as the means and Christ as the end.
  • Apr 11, 2021Carl Helmuth – The Whole Counsel of God – Exodus 12-13 – The Passover
    Apr 11, 2021
    Carl Helmuth – The Whole Counsel of God – Exodus 12-13 – The Passover
    Exodus 12-13 – The Passover
    The Passover Teaches About The Gospel 1. The ACTUAL blood of the Lamb saved them. - Saving faith looks to an ACTUAL Savior. - It was not the strength of their faith that saved them. It was the object of their faith – the blood. - Therefore,... We do not strengthen our faith by focusing on it... We strengthen our faith by focusing on Christ. 2. We are to eat (believe) the Lamb with urgency; - Quickly obeying what the Lord reveals is His top priority. 3. We are to take removing leaven (sin) seriously. - Imputed righteousness of Christ in me. - Practical righteous of sanctification The LORD is very interested in your sanctification: - because it glorifies Him. - because it makes you like Christ. - because it prepares you for the future plans He has for you, both in this life and the next. - Heb. 11:35; 2 Cor. 4:17; Matt. 25:21; Luke 19:17; Gal. 6:9; 1 Cor. 6:3 4. We are to remember and celebrate God’s deliverance. - Forgetting what God has done leads to idolatry. - Forgetting that we have been saved, leads to forgetting our Savior. - Forgetting that we’ve been forgiven of sin, leads to sin (ungratefulness, self-centeredness, etc.) - Remembering what Christ has done for us, produces love, gratefulness, righteousness, etc. 5. There are only Two major differences between Israel and Egypt: A. Israel received the revelation from God that brought about their salvation. B. Israel was the covenanted people of God. - Circumcision separated them from Egypt. - Real circumcision is circumcision of the heart - it is meant to be spiritual not physical.
  • Apr 4, 2021Carl Helmuth – Easter
    Apr 4, 2021
    Carl Helmuth – Easter
    The Resurrection of Christ through the lens of the crossing of the Red Sea 1. The crossing separated Moses from all the people. - The resurrection separates Christ from all creation. 2. The crossing delivered from death and brought new life. - The resurrection delivers from death and brings new life. 3. The crossing separated them from slavery to Egypt. - The resurrection separates us from slavery to sin. 4. The crossing separated Israelites from the Egyptians. - The resurrection separates the Church from the world.
    The First to go THROUGH death -Firstborn as a position of blessing - the second Adam has gained the blessing the first Adam lost. -Firstborn substitute - Passover Lamb - Christ the perfect substitute who redeems the firstborn of Israel. -FIRSTborn – the first of many from the dead. - Feast of Firstfruits -FirstBORN – He turns the tomb into a womb.
  • Mar 28, 2021Carl Helmuth – The Whole Counsel of God – Exodus 12-13 – The Passover
    Mar 28, 2021
    Carl Helmuth – The Whole Counsel of God – Exodus 12-13 – The Passover
    Exodus 12-13 - The Passover
    The Passover Teaches About The Gospel 1. The ACTUAL blood of the Lamb saved them. - Saving faith looks to an ACTUAL Savior.
  • Mar 7, 2021Carl Helmuth – The Whole Counsel of God – Exodus 11-13 – The Tenth Plague – Passover (Part 3)
    Mar 7, 2021
    Carl Helmuth – The Whole Counsel of God – Exodus 11-13 – The Tenth Plague – Passover (Part 3)
    Exodus 11-13 - The Tenth Plague - Passover (Part 3)
  • Feb 28, 2021Carl Helmuth – The Whole Counsel of God – Exodus 11-13 – The Tenth Plague – Passover (Part 2)
    Feb 28, 2021
    Carl Helmuth – The Whole Counsel of God – Exodus 11-13 – The Tenth Plague – Passover (Part 2)
    Exodus 11-13 - The Tenth Plague - Passover (Part 2)
  • Feb 21, 2021Carl Helmuth – The Whole Counsel of God – Exodus 11-13 – The Tenth Plague – Passover (Part 1)
    Feb 21, 2021
    Carl Helmuth – The Whole Counsel of God – Exodus 11-13 – The Tenth Plague – Passover (Part 1)
    Exodus 11-13 - The Tenth Plague - Passover (Part 1)
  • Feb 14, 2021Carl Helmuth – The Whole Counsel of God – Exodus 7-10 The First Nine Plagues (Part 2)
    Feb 14, 2021
    Carl Helmuth – The Whole Counsel of God – Exodus 7-10 The First Nine Plagues (Part 2)
    The Whole Counsel of God – Exodus 7-10 The First Nine Plagues (Part 2)
    A Review of the First Six Plagues
    - All ten plagues were in rapid succession.
    - The Israelites were uninvolved.
    - God has hardened Pharaoh’s heart.
    - God ‘marvelously separated’ His people.
    - Pharaoh is a type of Satan.
    - The Exodus is a picture of the gospel.
    - God is glorified in showing mercy, but also in bringing judgement.
    Six Impressive Truths from the Plagues
    1. Pharaoh’s hard heart - oh, how we need the mercy of God so that our sin will not harden us.
    2. Pharaoh’s false repentance - true repentance has nothing to appeal to except the mercy of God.
    3. The Israelite’s non-involvement - we should stand in awe of all God has done for us, without us.
    4. The LORD separating His people - the LORD has ‘marvelously separated’ us from judgement.
    5. The sheer power of God - He can use anything to bring utter destruction to a nation/people.
    6. The oppression of Satan against God’s people - Christ has secured a way out of sin’s slavery.
  • Dec 13, 2020Carl Helmuth – The Whole Counsel of God – Exodus 7-10 The First Nine Plagues
    Dec 13, 2020
    Carl Helmuth – The Whole Counsel of God – Exodus 7-10 The First Nine Plagues
    Exodus 7-10 The First Nine Plagues
    The Second Plague: Frogs
    The Third Plague: Gnats
    The Fourth Plague: Flies
    The Fifth Plague: Livestock
    The Sixth Plague: Boils
    Five Truths That Should Move Us As We Read Through the Plagues
    1. The possible hardness of the human heart.
    2. How blessed we are that we can learn from the sins of others.
    3. How blessed we are that God marvelously separates His people.
    4. God can and does, sovereignly use all of creation for His purposes.
    5. All that God has done In destroying the work of the devil on my behalf.
  • Dec 6, 2020Carl Helmuth – The Whole Counsel of God – Exodus 7 The First Plague
    Dec 6, 2020
    Carl Helmuth – The Whole Counsel of God – Exodus 7 The First Plague
    Exodus 7 The First Plague
    Exodus 7:8-25
    Four Reasons Why God Chose To Turn The Nile Into Blood
    1. For retribution for the Israelite infants thrown into the Nile.
    - God is a just God and will someday bring all evil to justice.
    - God’s people can trust him with vengeance, so we can focus on showing mercy.
    - God’s people are one people for all eternity.
    2. To expose the gods of Egypt and bring judgement upon them.
    - God has a way of exposing and bringing to nothing the “gods” we trust in as well.
    3. To foreshadow a plague yet to come.
    4. To show His own people that the LORD is fighting for them.
  • Nov 29, 2020Carl Helmuth – The Whole Counsel of God – Exodus 6 God’s Response to Moses
    Nov 29, 2020
    Carl Helmuth – The Whole Counsel of God – Exodus 6 God’s Response to Moses
    Exodus 6 God's Response to Moses
    Exodus 5:22-6:13, 6:28-7:7
    If the LORD Himself were to strengthen your faith...
    1. He would point you to HIS OWN NATURE...and call you to believe in Him because of WHO HE IS.
    - Our faith is not the source of power. Our faith has an object. The object of our faith is our source of power. Therefore, the object of our faith is what we focus on to be strengthened in our faith.
    2. He would point to His covenant.
    - By always remembering His covenant with us in Christ, our hearts are encouraged and strengthened.
    3. He would point you to His promises.
    - Our eyes of faith are to be focused upon those things that God has promised HE WILL DO..., not on people around us, not on the enemy, not on our own deficiencies, not what we are called to do, but squarely on His nature and His promises.
  • Nov 15, 2020Carl Helmuth – The Whole Counsel of God – Exodus 5 Pharaoh’s Response
    Nov 15, 2020
    Carl Helmuth – The Whole Counsel of God – Exodus 5 Pharaoh’s Response
    Exodus 5 Pharaoh's Response
    Two Viewpoints:
    1. Pharaoh is a type of Satan who is the slave master of all who are slaves to sin
    2. Pharaoh as a king of the earth who oppresses God’s people
    1. Let’s consider a ‘what if’...
    - What if God had not hardened Pharaoh’s heart; and that he would have let the people go at this first request?
    - Then God would not have been glorified in bringing judgement upon him. - Then God would not have been able to show the riches of His glory to His elect people. - Then God’s people would not have learned to trust the LORD in the face of great suffering. - Then God would not have been able to teach His people to walk by faith in His word rather than faith in what they see and experience. - Then the rest of the world would not have feared the God of Israel as they left Egypt. - Then God would not have been able to teach His Church about Satan’s devices, and future ones like Jannes and Jambres. - Then we would not have this illustration of how God also delivers us from our slavery to sin by His sacrificial Passover Lamb.
    2. When God brings judgement onto the world, His people will become targets of the world’s anger.
    3. When God brings judgement onto the world, His people will be tempted to turn on each other.
    4. God’s people must, must, must, have a long view of justice.
  • Nov 8, 2020Carl Helmuth – The Whole Counsel of God – Exodus 4 Understanding The God Of The OT (Part 3)
    Nov 8, 2020
    Carl Helmuth – The Whole Counsel of God – Exodus 4 Understanding The God Of The OT (Part 3)
    Exodus 4 Understanding The God Of The OT
    9 Principles to Help Us Know, Understand, and Love the God of the OT
    5. God has a sovereign right to choose who will receive mercy and who will receive justice.
    God is the Judge.
    Every man stands before Him guilty.
    Justice requires that every man’s sentence is death.
    It is the Judge’s decision if He will offer mercy, and to whom He will offer mercy.
    In the OT, God chose to show mercy to Abraham and His descendants; but not to others.
    6. God’s glory is the single most important end for all of creation.
    - God is glorified in His compassion and mercy AND ALSO in His justice and wrath.
    - God is working for His own glory in everything that happens in the OT.
    - God’s glory in showing mercy is connected to His glory in showing wrath.
    - God’s glory in showing mercy to us is connected to His glory in showing wrath to His own Son.
    - If God can be glorified by showing wrath to His own Son, then He can also be glorified by showing wrath to evil men.
    - In the OT, God “seems” harsh because, in it He displays His wrath on mankind.
    - In the NT, God “seems” merciful because, in it He displays His wrath on His Son.
    - To align our lives with God’s purposes, we will need to forsake all others in order to be about God’s glory.
  • Nov 1, 2020Carl Helmuth – The Whole Counsel of God – Exodus 4 Understanding The God Of The OT (Part 2)
    Nov 1, 2020
    Carl Helmuth – The Whole Counsel of God – Exodus 4 Understanding The God Of The OT (Part 2)
    Exodus 4 Understanding The God Of The OT
    9 Principles to Help Us Know, Understand, and Love the God of the OT
    4. These two truths make God Just in all He does in the Old Testament (and beyond).
      A. God is far more holy, righteous, and pure than we can ever really grasp.
      B. Man is far more sinful, unrighteous and evil, than we can ever really grasp.
    God is righteous, and requires perfect righteousness.
    Man is unrighteous, not meeting God’s requirement.
    Therefore, all men deserve God’s wrath.
    Therefore, no one can ever receive injustice.
    In the end, most will receive God’s justice,
    Some will receive God’s mercy,
    And these will also receive God’s grace.
    God’s attitude toward man in the OT is
    1000x more merciful than it is wrathful.
    When we think of men as victims, we necessarily are saying God is unjust.
    - Job 40:8 Would you really annul My justice?
    - Would you condemn Me to justify yourself?
    Mercy that is deserved, is not mercy.
    Grace that can be demanded, is not grace.
    Some might ask…
    Why focus so much on the contrast of the holiness of God and the evil of man?
    Isn’t that too negative?
    25 Reasons Why We Need This Worldview
    - This is God’s view.
    - The Biblical worldview is a big God and small man. We can’t interpret scripture without it.
    - This is the beginning of wisdom (salvation). “Blessed are the poor in spirit”
    - We experience true joy and blessing, paradoxically through a God-centered worldview rather than a man-centered worldview.
    - God’s mercy in salvation is much more precious to us when we know what we have been saved from.
    - God’s mercy in salvation is much more precious to us when we know what we have been saved to.
    - It causes us to love Him and worship Him in truth. It causes us to be eternally grateful for His mercy.
    - It makes Jesus Christ’s sacrifice on the cross the centerpiece of all creation.
    - It humbles us and removes all boasting from us. It raises my daily dependence on Him.
    - The Christian faith is not about good “self-esteem”, But it is about “Christ esteem”.
    - Living as though my ‘old self’ is dead and my ‘new self’ is “in Christ”, is now a blessing, not a curse.
    - It causes me to think of pleasing God before I think of pleasing myself, or others.
    - It eliminates complaining and murmuring. Everything in our lives is better than what we deserve.
    - It causes me to want others to share this worldview.
    - When God is big and I am small… Then others become just the right size.
    - It makes Jesus Christ’s sacrifice for me an example of my sacrifice for others.
    - It makes me want to trust Him with the rest of my life.
    - It places Him above all other things in my life.
    - It brings God glory.
    - When I see my nothingness and His everythingness, It makes me want Him to receive glory, not me.
    - It makes Him worth dying for.
  • Oct 25, 2020Carl Helmuth – The Whole Counsel of God – Exodus 4 Understanding The God Of The OT (Part 1)
    Oct 25, 2020
    Carl Helmuth – The Whole Counsel of God – Exodus 4 Understanding The God Of The OT (Part 1)
    Exodus 4 Understanding The God Of The OT
    Exodus 4:18-31
    "I will harden his heart so that he will not let the people go"
    "I told you to let My son go"
    "since you have refused to let him go, behold, I will kill your firstborn son!"
    First, there are several clear scriptural truths that can help us to better understand the God of the OT.
    Second, when we really understand Him, we will love Him more than ever, and want to serve Him more than ever.
    1. There is a chasm between God’s wisdom and our wisdom, that is bridged only by scripture.
    - Which means, there is a chasm between our judgement and God’s judgement.
    - We cannot “judge” God from “our side of the chasm”.
    - Scripture must interpret scripture.
    2. There is a chasm between God’s wisdom and man’s wisdom, that cannot be bridged by an unbeliever.
    - As believers, we cannot expect unbelievers to understand God and His ways.
    - As believers, we should present the gospel and pray for an unbeliever. This is the bridge.
    - As believers, we must not let our confidence in God and His word be shaken by what unbelievers think or say about Him.
    - As believers, we are incredibly blessed!!
    - The Lord has chosen to grant us eyes to see and ears to hear!
    3. A true believer has been given a faith that knows that GOD IS JUST.
    - This is part of the “faith package”.
    - Faith is the entrusting of ourselves into the hands of a just judge.
    - Faith places the creature in complete submission to the will of the Creator.
  • Oct 18, 2020Carl Helmuth – The Whole Counsel of God – Exodus 4 Moses Goes To Egypt
    Oct 18, 2020
    Carl Helmuth – The Whole Counsel of God – Exodus 4 Moses Goes To Egypt
    Exodus 4 Moses Goes To Egypt
    Exodus 4:18-31
    "I will harden his heart so that he will not let the people go"
    "I told you to let My son go"
    "since you have refused to let him go, behold, I will kill your firstborn son!"
    First, there are several clear scriptural truths that can help us to better understand the God of the OT.
    Second, when we really understand Him, we will love Him more than ever, and want to serve Him more than ever.
  • Oct 11, 2020Carl Helmuth – The Whole Counsel of God – Exodus 4 God Sends Moses
    Oct 11, 2020
    Carl Helmuth – The Whole Counsel of God – Exodus 4 God Sends Moses
    Exodus 4 God Sends Moses
    Moses’ 5 Objections
    1. Know yourself - You are nothing; He is everything
    - practice dying to yourself daily
    2. Know God - The bigger your God is,
    - the bigger your faith is
    3. The end result belongs to God
    - He uses your loaves and fishes to feed many
    4. God caused you to be weak
    - so that you won’t rely on yourself
    5. God is gracious even in His anger
    - His(story) will whitewash even our disobedience
  • Oct 4, 2020Carl Helmuth – The Whole Counsel of God – Exodus 4 Signs and Wonders Affirm Moses (Part 4)
    Oct 4, 2020
    Carl Helmuth – The Whole Counsel of God – Exodus 4 Signs and Wonders Affirm Moses (Part 4)
    Exodus 4 Signs and Wonders Affirm Moses
    6 Reasons We Should Not Obsess Over Miracles, Signs & Wonders Today
    5. We have something better.
    Today, God uses something much more powerful than miracles, signs and wonders, to produce saving faith in His people.
    Today, He uses... WORDS
    - Words that come from God.
    - Words that can open spiritual eyes so that we can see...the mysteries and the wonders of His glorious gospel of Jesus Christ.
    - God’s words, unlike signs and wonders, have the power to create the miracle of a true faith.
    6. It takes our joy and focus away from the miracle that we should obsess over...
    The miracle that God would die for His creation.
    The miracle that, because of that, we can...
    ...be reconciled to God.
    ...be regenerated by the Spirit.
    ...participate in the divine nature.
    ...live eternally.
    ...live eternally with God and be His people.
  • Sep 27, 2020Carl Helmuth – The Whole Counsel of God – Exodus 4 Signs and Wonders Affirm Moses (Part 3)
    Sep 27, 2020
    Carl Helmuth – The Whole Counsel of God – Exodus 4 Signs and Wonders Affirm Moses (Part 3)
    Exodus 4 Signs and Wonders Affirm Moses
    6 Reasons We Should Not Obsess Over Miracles, Signs & Wonders Today
    3. M,S&W have been and will be used to deceive many.
    God’s people are not the only ones who can work miracles, signs and wonders...God Himself allows (causes) the powers of darkness to work signs and wonders in “His name”, in order to purify His Church byexposing the false believers.
    4. M,S&W do not produce saving faith.
    5. We have something better.