Thessalonians – Testing Prophecies 3

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Testing Prophecies 3
1. God sometimes grants to the kingdom of evil, the ability to work signs, wonders and even predictive prophecies that come to pass.
– A prophecy coming true, DOES NOT mean its source is from God.
– Matt. 24:24; 2 Thess. 2:9-11; Rev. 13:13-14, Acts 16:16-19
2. We are to be a people whose faith/nourishment comes from HEARING or READING the Word about Christ.
– We are NOT a people who put faith in what we see or experience.
– Deut. 4; Rom. 10:17; John 20:31; Rom. 15:4; Matt. 11:20-24
3. What is most important about a prophet is that he leads people to know, worship, and believe in the true God.
– A true prophet teaches the doctrines of God/Christ accurately.
4. This test is one where God does the testing.
– God purposely uses false prophets, with great abilities, to test His people and thereby separate the genuine from the false.
5. This test of God’s, will reveal who loves Him with all their heart and soul.
– It is love for God that motivates us to test prophets carefully.
– It is love for things other than God that leads to being deceived.
6. This test includes discerning a true prophet from a false one; but also then, to purge the “evil (prophet) from among” us.
– It wasn’t enough to just expose him, but they were to dispose of him.