Divine Providence – God Works Mysteriously

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Divine Providence – God Works Mysteriously
Seven truths demonstrated in Judges 20:
1. One’s love for God will be revealed in their hatred for that which He hates.
2. Aligning ourselves with the Lord will eventually cost us friends/loved ones.
3. This treatment of sin/evil (Judges 20), reveals the true holiness of God.
– We are not good appraisers of the evil of sin, nor the holiness of God.
– We see the holiness of God by what He is willing to do to deal with sin.
4. Obeying God’s prescriptive will for us, does not guarantee that His providential “blessing” will reward our obedience.
5. God’s will for us is determined by His word, not by our experience.
– Nor is it determined by what we perceive as His “blessing”.
6. In this life, God’s providence is usually a mystery to us.
– While we can’t understand it; we can trust it.
7. There is only one way to approach God: complete selfless humility.