Carl Helmuth – The Whole Counsel of God – Exodus 1 The Enemy Strikes

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The Whole Counsel of God – Exodus 1 The Enemy Strikes
Exodus 1:1-22
The Church Militant
The Church Triumphant
– The more God’s people are oppressed, the more that oppression strengthens them, and also works against their oppressors
– This is true for the Church and individuals
– Just as gold is purified by fire, so are we purified by trials
– All things do work for OUR GOOD and HIS GLORY
– For this reason we are to endure patiently
Satan’s two tactics:
– Overtly oppose God’s people
– Covertly deceive God’s people
– When Israel is overtly opposed by the enemy, they triumph and are blessed
– When Israel is covertly deceived by the enemy, they are judged harshly by God
We believe the Bible teaches us to submit to human governments…
…Until obeying them would mean disobeying God
However…We should be wise (shrewd) as serpents and innocent as doves.
1. Know your tendencies and lean against them.
2. Know to which way you want to err and lean that way.
3. Don’t expect anyone else to lead you.
4. Don’t assume man’s motives and the devil’s motives are the same.
5. Trust God’s word, not your feelings.