Carl Helmuth – The Whole Counsel of God – Exodus 4 Signs and Wonders Affirm Moses (Part 2)

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Exodus 4 Signs and Wonders Affirm Moses
6 Reasons We Should Not Obsess Over Miracles, Signs & Wonders Today
2. The primary purpose for most M,S&W has already been accomplished.
A primary reason God used ‘signs’ and wonders…
is to set apart a certain man as His representative,
in order to speak to the world THROUGH that representative.
God certified messengers for the purpose of revealing His message on earth
Four reasons I believe miracles, signs & wonders are rare today
1. The main purpose for them is completed.
– The revelation that they bore witness to is complete and so they are not necessary.
2. They were virtually all performed by apostles, and we have no apostles today.
3. There is no one who has “perfect” theology like the apostles, that God could certify today.
4. A miracle today would be done by God, not as a “sign”, but for some other reason only He knows.